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Unlike conventional products imposing their design settings onto users, FunXion opens up to invite users to manifest their own unique needs & habits onto the cup. A PPSU body in a squircle design & double spouts makes an optimal versatility vessel able of accommodating universal ranges of usage scenarios, effectively allowing each individual user to define for themselves how the cup serves them.


FUNXION 曜強有限公司


benbenmars 邊緣股份有限公司


benbenmars 邊緣股份有限公司





As living conditions evolve, the market sees a flux of specialized products with specific functions ie. storage, to-go, liquids, etc. Another container for every other thing results in the accumulation of containers that aren’t even often used, wasting our precious household spaces and especially for single dwellers & DINK families who have even less space but who is becoming increasingly common. Our solution, a versatile container which easily satisfies the 3 main needs of food containers: Sharing, Storage, Portability, is FunXion. A clean, sleek, general-purpose food container compatible with all food & beverages in any household for any individual, FunXion adapts to our user's need, invites them to create their own definition, cut unnecessary containers & regain precious household space.

造型發展 兩側的壺嘴結構讓FUNXION有著嶄新的外觀造型,師法人類自古以來大型容器的特徵讓使用者直覺地了解使用方式,易於把飲品分享他人,同時亦可作為協助密封的結構之一。

FunXion’s double spout design gives it a refreshing look. Inspired by the features of the larger vessels of early human civilization, leverage the air-seal structure element into an easy & versatile sharing device.

FUNXION 選用的絕對安全及180度耐熱能力的PPSU材質是實現以上「極高適用性」的基礎,輕盈﹑透明的特點讓人易於攜帶及觀察內容物,亦適用於微波爐及烤箱等高溫環境。除了可放入食物或用於儲存食材,亦可作隨身杯子使用,大小適中的方形漸變杯身易於握持,亦有效地使用空間,整齊地排列放在冰箱或櫃子中。

To achieve versatility under wide ranges of usage and create a general-purpose container, FunXion needs to be: absolutely safe to the human body, lightweight, & transparent to allow direct visibility of contents. Thus we decided on PPSU as the material; it can resist heats of up to 180 degrees, & does not release any toxic substance under any heating condition. This material is commonly used for baby feeding bottles. Light, clear, microwave & oven safe, PPSU assures of food safety & freedom to use under any scenario. To-go, Storage, etc. The squircle design enhances both handling & space utilization.




We value the product experience beyond usage, but extending into the entire product journey.

This includes the need for cleansing; the interior space allows one full hand to reach in and make a deep wash, the cap is made entirely from silicone which allows easy cleaning of all angels while assuring a tight seal. Even extending towards the end of the product’s lifetime; the entire cup consists of only 3 parts, each is which is mono-material. This means that only one single material is in each part, which makes recycling wildly easier.